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Chilli’s 7th Birthday Party *Past*

  • 200 Eastern Park Circuit East Geelong, VIC, 3219 Australia (map)

Join us for

Chilli’s 7th Birthday!

You’re all invited to come and celebrate Chilli’s 7th birthday! 🥳 Come chill out on the lawn with us on Saturday morning. We’ll be having a lowkey lil picnic, but you’re also welcome to explore the gardens or organise a walk with other hound friends either before or after.

You’re welcome to share with other greyhounds or hound lovers you know too. Can’t wait to hang with you!



Geelong Botanic Gardens
Saturday 14th of December, 2024
On the lawn out the front of Where You Meet Cafe



  • Everyone is welcome! (especially if you have a friendly greyhound!)

    You don’t have to bring your dog though; humans without are just as welcome! Please just be mindful of your dog’s comfort levels - if they aren’t socialised, they might prefer to stay home.

    This event is family friendly.

  • BYO greyhound if you have one (but not required)! If you’d like to sit or snack, you’re welcome to bring a picnic rug or camping chair too.

    Note: a gift is not required! Chilli is just happy to hang out with his friends :)

  • We will be meeting at the Geelong Botanic Gardens and will send an email with further details prior to the event. There is free parking available at the gardens.

    Please be mindful that as it’s a public space, other dogs and humans will be enjoying the gardens too! Your greyhound must be on-leash as required by law. Please pick up after them and don’t leave any litter.

  • Nope! You’re welcome to if you choose, but it’s not required and Chilli will just be happy to hang out with all his friends!

  • If you need to get in touch, send Chilli’s mum an email via

    or send us a DM on Instagram!

23 March

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